

I feel like to say we went hiking was somewhat of an exaggeration. Because we walked.  On a hill.  In mountain country. My kids thought it was hiking.  My lungs thought it was hiking.  And according to the dictionary it really was a hike.  See wasn't telling any fibberoo's.  Whew.

verb /hīk/ 
Walk for a long distance, esp. across country or in the woods

Isaac wore a jacket.  Even though it was close to 80 degrees.  Who cares if you are sweating.  Better to be safe than sorry he says.
(See that flower in his hand.  That was for me.  Say it with me now,  ahhhhh.)

Ainsley did not want to hike.  She told me so.  Over and over.  Then she saw the flowers.  And she was in heaven.

If Ainsley was doing it.  Gwen was doing it too.  As much as Gwen pretends to get annoyed by Ainsley.  She wants to be just like her.  Can we get another ahhhh.

And yes.  Gwen wore socks with her sandals. It's hard to get those chubby bubby feet in Tennies.  So she owns sandals.  Solution to hiking with sandals is to add socks.  No?  She  also wore some mighty tight leggings.  They made her derrière look five times bigger.  Leggings and socks with sandals.  If anyone could pull this look off it would be Gwen.   and Please.  Let's get one thing straight.  Gwenny is the only person who can rock this trend.  I know she looks adorable.  But I promise, it's not going to be so adorable on anyone else.  Promise.  But it would be really funny to run into someone in the middle of the woods.  Wearing "the Gwen".  Funny and maybe a little creepy.



Little something about the Fam'.  We LOVE animals.  All of them.  Which means, this little fancy pants zoo, was right up our alley.  The kids thought it was awesome.  We even went through a second time.  Okay the kids groaned and moaned when I said we were going through a second time.  It was my idea.  Gwen was my only supporter.  Cheering and squealing right along with me, our second time around.  But the kids really did love it.  Just the first time around, a little more than the second.  And they DO want to go again.

The first part of the zoo is drive through.

Wolves, big horn sheep, bison, and bears.  They walk up right to your car.  I wish you could have heard Gwen's "woweee".

At the end there is a walk through zoo.  Where all the bear cubs are kept.  (You know, so papa bear won't eat them).  It is also where you see all of the wild cats.  Bobcats and lynx hiding up in the trees.  There was a raccoon habitat.  They looked nothing like the racoons I remember seeing growing up.  They were tiny.  Teacup versions.  They were busy cliff diving and swimming.


Moral of the story.  If you are ever in the Flagstaff, AZ area.  Go.  Bearizona does not disappoint.

After Bearizona we hit up the deerfarm.  I would have liked it.  But a couple things ruined the experience.  So I didn't love it.
- It rained.  As in the heavens opened.  And it poured, kind of rain.Since we were outdoors, on a trail, we had to book it.  It stopped raining by the time we made it to the end.  But we were drenched.  And everyone wanted to go home.
- There was a lady that took her two stomach flu sick children.  (for the record I asked if her kids were feeling okay.  They were laying on the ground and tables.  She said "why, could you tell they were green?  they have a stomach bug"  ahhh!  That was my biggest problem.  start rant:  Hello lady.  My family is here to ENJOY ourselves.  NOT get the stomach flu.  Sick people stay home.  end rant.
- Last tiny problem was we went to Bearizona first.  The deerfarm wasn't as fun.  It WAS fun.  Just not AS fun.  But it was fun to go there once.  How many times in your life will you be surrounded by dear?  Not many, my friend.  Not many.  Well, unless you go to Williams often.  But let's just pretend you don't.  'K.

So if you like deer.  Want to feed and pet deer.  Go.  If you like talking birds (they were hilarious, and stole the show at the farm.  No lie.),  Camels, Wallabies, Reindeer (the reindeer were gorgeous), you will love it.  Just maybe check the weather before you go.

We also hiked, jumped on the trampoline, rode bikes (I hated that part.  I don't care what they say.  "once you learn how to ride a bike, you can always ride a bike.  Not true.  8 years later.  Three kids later.  One not in shape whatsoever body later.  It was scary.  The hills in flagstaff are large.  And not easy.  It was not my cup of tea.  Although it could be.  With my own bike.  And lots of practice.Maybe.)  And spent lots of time with family.  The best three day labor day weekend.  Ever.