2008, start of a new year and we are starting it off with the story of my life. Us being sick. Just the same cold/virus I am sure most have had by now. Luckily we only felt miserable for a few days, and our cough is worse than our bite!
We had a great Christmas this year. Our first year with no family around. We had fun though. Isaac understands what is going on and talked about Santa coming the entire month of December. Little sad that I have lost Santa as a bribe for good behavior. Sorry. . . it's true I use bribes when I feel I can.
There is much to write, but brain is not catching up with my fingers. Hard as I try it's not happening! So this post will be only a short recap of our holidays, but there will be more to come when I get the pictures off of my camera. We all know that stories are funner with pictures anyway! If you don't believe me ask my Sunday school class! Actually after typing that my train of thought has led me away from my original thoughts (you had fair warning that my brain is a bit mushy today!), so holidays later, sidetracked tangent now!
I teach the 16-18 year olds in Sunday school. I love my class, but I will have to say this is one of my HARDEST callings. I cannot get them to stop talking, I kid you not, unless I am reading a book with PICTURES! Even nursery was easier than this.
This year we start the Book of Mormon in my class (same as gospel doctrine). I am so excited for this year, for the things I will learn. I honestly dread teaching my class though. I want to hear EVERYONE'S ideas. Many of you I know have taught these ages in church and if not you were that age at one time. There is one catch though, no food in our building. So how do you bribe a bunch of 17 year old boys? Yeah I am at a loss.
I truly love all of the kids in my class. They make me laugh so hard, and also make me want to pull out all of my hair. Okay I will stop there because I could go into much more detail, and too many of you have all ready heard my complaints, but please bring on the advice.
I should be cleaning my house right now while my two sweet, sick kids are asleep, but I am so tired I think I want to curl up on the couch and read. Which reminds me for you Twilight fans out there. Santa brought me all three books for Christmas and I had them read by the end of the next day. Good reading, but I still don't know how I feel about the story yet. Little disappointed that it's dragging on and there isn't any closure. I want both Edward and Jacob to win the girl. Different reasons for liking both guys. But don't want to ruin the story for Sarah (yes you should read them).
I know I have been MIA for awhile. Part to Mike having over a week off of work, part because I didn't feel like blogging. Shocking, I know. But getting this post out has brought back the tiniest desire to reclaim my spot in the cyberworld!