
10. . .9. . . 8. . .

2008, start of a new year and we are starting it off with the story of my life. Us being sick. Just the same cold/virus I am sure most have had by now. Luckily we only felt miserable for a few days, and our cough is worse than our bite!

We had a great Christmas this year. Our first year with no family around. We had fun though. Isaac understands what is going on and talked about Santa coming the entire month of December. Little sad that I have lost Santa as a bribe for good behavior. Sorry. . . it's true I use bribes when I feel I can.

There is much to write, but brain is not catching up with my fingers. Hard as I try it's not happening! So this post will be only a short recap of our holidays, but there will be more to come when I get the pictures off of my camera. We all know that stories are funner with pictures anyway! If you don't believe me ask my Sunday school class! Actually after typing that my train of thought has led me away from my original thoughts (you had fair warning that my brain is a bit mushy today!), so holidays later, sidetracked tangent now!

I teach the 16-18 year olds in Sunday school. I love my class, but I will have to say this is one of my HARDEST callings. I cannot get them to stop talking, I kid you not, unless I am reading a book with PICTURES! Even nursery was easier than this.

This year we start the Book of Mormon in my class (same as gospel doctrine). I am so excited for this year, for the things I will learn. I honestly dread teaching my class though. I want to hear EVERYONE'S ideas. Many of you I know have taught these ages in church and if not you were that age at one time. There is one catch though, no food in our building. So how do you bribe a bunch of 17 year old boys? Yeah I am at a loss.

I truly love all of the kids in my class. They make me laugh so hard, and also make me want to pull out all of my hair. Okay I will stop there because I could go into much more detail, and too many of you have all ready heard my complaints, but please bring on the advice.

I should be cleaning my house right now while my two sweet, sick kids are asleep, but I am so tired I think I want to curl up on the couch and read. Which reminds me for you Twilight fans out there. Santa brought me all three books for Christmas and I had them read by the end of the next day. Good reading, but I still don't know how I feel about the story yet. Little disappointed that it's dragging on and there isn't any closure. I want both Edward and Jacob to win the girl. Different reasons for liking both guys. But don't want to ruin the story for Sarah (yes you should read them).

I know I have been MIA for awhile. Part to Mike having over a week off of work, part because I didn't feel like blogging. Shocking, I know. But getting this post out has brought back the tiniest desire to reclaim my spot in the cyberworld!


Chelsea said...

Several things: You know my millions of suggestions: including RUN AWAY FROM THEM!!!
You really are soooo brave to teach them week after week and keep returning. But you are the best ever so of course you would. Can't wait to see pics of the holidays. And I have to say I am sooo bummed we didn't take pics yesterday of the "cousins" or "new kind of friends" played. It was so fun. We sure loved hanging out. And I LOVE Isaac's Jesus comment on the side. Everyone must go back and read it. Cute kid!!!!!!! And I am so glad you posted again and are revisiting your old love afair of blogger. I hope it comes back more fully. We all have missed you! :)

The Miller's said...

Girl about time I have been like where in the heck is she. Good to hear everyone is good.

Lara Neves said...

I agree...I have missed your blog a ton!

Good luck with the Sunday school class...I'm in YW right now, and promised Pizza parties seem to do a lot of good. In fact, I remember when I was in a Sunday School class at age 16 or so, we had the coolest teacher and he let us come over and have parties at his house all the time. So maybe you could lay down some rules, and promise that?

Happy New Year!

Audrey said...

Glad you're back. Wow! Teaching that age would be difficult. I once team taught the 13-15 year olds with Derek and it was really tough at first. The 13 year olds are just out of Primary and so they still want to participate while the 15 year olds are too cool to be a part of the class. They too wanted to throw things at each other and talk a lot. I think what helped the most is asking lots of questions, so they had to be a part of the lesson. Also, going every week. We left for the holidays and when we got back it was as though we had never been there--all of the structure we'd created was gone. Another thing that sounds like nursery, but helped, was to position the chairs the way I wanted them and as they came in and tried to move them to other spots I told each person not to move his chair, I wanted it left where it was (which was a semi-circle facing me instead of chairs pointing away from me and to each other). Good luck!!!

Lacey said...

So glad your back...I'm so glad you FINALLY read the Twilight series..too bad you didn't read them a year ago when our book club was reading them!!!
As for the class, Christopher and I team taught the 15 and 16 year olds while living in Snowflake..sadly, I felt like the kids new more than me because of seminary so I was so thankful for Christopher's missionary tools...he taught most of the lessons that year!

Marci Coombs said...

SO glad you're back to the bloggin world. We missed you! As far as the teaching goes...what kind of church allows no food? I'd go nuts. That's the only way I can seem somewhat cool to my Laurels is by bribing them with treats!

Michael said...

oh glad to see you still know what your blog address is...

entertainment and hard knocks are my recommendations. When we had to teach rough classes, at one point everything from the 13 years up to 18 in the base ward, we would try hard to make the lessons as interesting and participation as possible. if they didn't want to be there by acting up, I would tell them to leave so that others that wanted to be there could learn. so they would either behave, or leave. if they left they were bound to get in trouble out in the halls on their own. I always made a point that nobody was forcing them to be there, it was a choice. sometimes i would also talk really loud over the people talking and that always gets their attention making it hard for them to talk to each other...

Kami said...

I'm glad to see you still exist!! Marci and I thought maybe Chelsea's dogs had attacked you guys or something. Just kidding. Well, I taught high school for 3 years. I know it's church and you are suppossed to be nice, so I'm not telling you to be mean, but don't be afraid to be a bit stern. I started out the school year really really mean. Once they understand how you want class to be and what you expect, then you can relax a bit and they still know what you want and when you want them to be quiet. Don't be afraid to tell them to be quiet and stop talking and wait for them to do so. If you don't get their attention from the beginning, it's never going to happen. Sometimes I have to hold myself back when I am in church callings because I get into teaching school mode and am likely to say something I shouldn't, but you shouldn't have to teach a class that won't listen. I hope that helps. My ward doesn't do food either! They are taking away our ammunition!!

Kami said...

I'm glad to see you still exist!! Marci and I thought maybe Chelsea's dogs had attacked you guys or something. Just kidding. Well, I taught high school for 3 years. I know it's church and you are suppossed to be nice, so I'm not telling you to be mean, but don't be afraid to be a bit stern. I started out the school year really really mean. Once they understand how you want class to be and what you expect, then you can relax a bit and they still know what you want and when you want them to be quiet. Don't be afraid to tell them to be quiet and stop talking and wait for them to do so. If you don't get their attention from the beginning, it's never going to happen. Sometimes I have to hold myself back when I am in church callings because I get into teaching school mode and am likely to say something I shouldn't, but you shouldn't have to teach a class that won't listen. I hope that helps. My ward doesn't do food either! They are taking away our ammunition!!

Kami said...

More advice: (by the way, if you don't like my advice or don't want to follow it, I seriously don't care. I won't be offended at all)
The best way to get them to participate is to talk about things they can relate to. Whevever I told personal stories and really told them to make them interesting, they were more likely to listen and to comment or ask questions. If all else fails, feel free to ask them questions directly. Find some thing they can relate to to grab their attention. In a way, it's good you know a couple really well. That way you can ask them things about their experiences or talk about something you know they can relate to. It sounds like a lot of work but once it starts to click, it's the best. Seriously I can't stress enough, be STERN. Stern doesn't have to be mean, just stick to your guns and be consistent with your expectations (kinda like parenting too). Hope this helps...sorry for the crazy long comment. Let me know if it gets any better.

Unknown said...

I have the same calling!!! for the14 and 15 year olds! IT IS SO HARD!!!! I hate to tell you this, but I have tried all the things I can think of too and none of them work... not even food! The only thing that has helped a little is to treat them like nursery kids and give them a chart with stickers if they are good and work up to a party! HAHA! It is sad but that is right at their level! Hopefully this year will be better with the B of M. Let me know if you get any other ideas! Good luck! :)

Mortensen Family said...

I was wondering if you guys were busy! Glad you had a great Christmas! We did too. Oh- and you always brighten my day when you comment on my blog. Just thought I'd let you know that. =0)
And about your SS class- I have not had to teach ever, so I honestly don't know what to advise on that issue. But I did ask my sister who is 17, (but she has the maturity of a 25 yr old) and she said that her teacher would let them earn cool things like pizza party or swimming party or something like that, and the kids in her class really liked it, and they behaved better and paid attention. So, I hope you find something that will work for you. Good Luck!

Marielle said...

Yeah! You are back. I am too.

I have never taught that age but Scott did while we were dating and he loved that calling. They had mostly boys so he talked a lot about applying what was being to sharing it as a missionary. He also promised pizza parties if they all brought their scriptures for four weeks or something like that. If one person forgot he made them start over.

Anyway, good luck. You will probably feel like you aren't even reaching them because they are all trying to act so cool but follow the spirit and they will feel that if they want to.


Heidi said...

So glad you are back to blogging. Ummm....I have no advice for teaching 17 year old boys. Sorry! Good luck with them.

katherine said...

Brooke how are you doing? I read about your class. Teenagers are definitely the hardest to teach. I guess that is where creativity and the spirit come into play. I only taught young women and they seemed quiet with out the boys around, so I don't know for a SS class. Good lucky though! Take care, miss hearing about what's going on in Brooke-land :)

The Tate's said...

Glad to hear you guys had a great Christmas. Hope you had a great new year too. I have been a complete slacker in the blogging world latley so I know exactly how you feel. We are back in TX now and I think I am ready to start up again. I wish I had some good advice for you and your class...I may have to read some of your comments and use the advice myself. I teach they 9-11 year old girls and they love to talk too. Hope you guys have a great day!!!!

The Miller's said...

ok im waiting for another post