After reading a lot of people's 100 things, and finally having a few minutes to myself I thought I would start my list and see how it goes. . .
One Hundred Things You may Or May Not Know About Me.
1. I HATE bugs, all bugs.
2. When I was young I LOVED bugs and would catch all kinds in jars.
3. I am deathly afraid of the ocean.
4. I love the smell of rain in Arizona.
5. I got a silver medal in a tennis competition in high school.
6. I used to play the viola and piano.
7. I love to read. I have tried to limit myself to reading only before bed and when lying down with the kids for their nap time. Otherwise nothing gets done until I finish the book.
8. I have always wanted to drive a Toyota 4runner.
9. First thing I do every morning while Isaac is eating his breakfast is, check my e-mail and then my bank account.
10. My favorite time of year is the fall. I look forward to seeing the seasons again, now that I am not in Phoenix anymore.
11. I am not a picky eater at all. I will try anything at least once.
12 I think the only food I KNOW I don't like is any kind of watermelon flavored candy. . . I love watermelon though!
13. I have discovered that I love to cook. Michael now gets to put up with my trying new recipes and inventing my own.
14. I always say my favorite color is purple, but really I don't think I have one.
15. I had to have my tonsils taken out when I was 23.
16. I don't like going on road trips
17. I like to go camping.
18. I can't jump into a swimming pool without plugging my nose first.
19. I actually try to avoid swimming, I would rather sit on the side and watch.
20. I like people watching.
21. I am a homebody, and would rather be at home with my family then out doing things.
22. I like trying new restaurants.
23. I tend to be more of a vegetarian eater. I LOVE VEGGIES!!!
24. If I do order any kind of meat it has to be cooked all of the way! NO PINK whatsoever!
25. I like reading or watching anything Jane Austen.
26. I like doing workout videos. There's this hip hop ab one that I want to try.
27. I hate running, but wished I liked it.
28. I like watching infomercials, especially the workout ones (where I saw the ab video).
29. I talk to my mom and sister at least once a week, sometimes everyday.
30. I normally talk on my cell phone while driving (naughty, I know).
31. I don't like to wear lotion because I don't like how it feels on the palms of my hands.
32. I like using a clean towel every time I get out of the shower.
33. My favorite shows on tv are American Idol, Reba, a lot of shows on the cooking channel, TLC and HGTV.
34. I like to wear Mike's clothes around the house. . . therefore making Lindsey wanting to nominate me for TLC's What Not to Wear.
35. I don't like listening to music in the car.
36. I like Disney movies (like High School Musical, Cow Belles), laugh if you will, but it's true!!
37. I don't like drinking water when I am at home.
38. BUT water is my favorite drink to get at resturants!
39. I became a complete germaphobe after having children.
40. I don't like brushing my teeth, but can't sleep until they are brushed.
41. I have a serious addiction to buying my kids clothes.
42. I like scrapbooking.
43. I am afraid of the dark.
44. I like cooking more than baking.
45. I bleached my hair for a whole decade.
46. My hair is now it's natural color, and I like it.
47. I have a soft spot in my heart for animals.
48. When I was young I wanted to be a zoo keeper.
49. I was once a bill collector and hated the job, but still cried after quiting.
50. I still am trying to figure out what I want get a college degree in.
51. I have classes toward nursing, education, psychology, marriage and family counseling.
52. I have morning sickness the entire nine months of pregnancy.
53. I do not like sharks, they really freak me out.
54. I would rather watch movies at home than in a theater. That way I can eat whatever I want, and have control of the volume.
55. One of my favorite parts of summertime growing up was catching fireflies.
56. I love the night sky, learning constellations, and the mythologies about them.
57. I like eating my sandwiches with potato chips smashed in them.
58. I like going to baseball games and eating hot dogs with mustard.
59. I like watching all sports.
60. The only thing I like about the cold is drinking hot cocoa, and normally it means Christmas lights come on.
61. I don't like the snow or any sports that have to do with the snow.
62. I don't like the water (swimming), but I like wake boarding. . . go figure.
63. I have been in one car accident, and have gotten three tickets for not completely stopping at stop signs.
64. I only chew half a stick of gum at a time.
65. I love hiking in the mountains.
66. When I am lying awake in bed I like to daydream of being a writer or an actress.
67. I am a night owl.
68. I love to sleep in, and have been blessed with kids that sleep in as well.
69. I like to organize things, so getting settled into our new house has taken awhile. . . I get to clean everything and put it into a place (I actually really enjoy the process).
70. I got my first pedicure when I was pregnant with Ainlsey and I am now hooked.
71. I once had my sister help me cut off a mole from my stomach with a pair of scissors.
72. I love Christmas carols.
73. I get really grossed out when there is hair in my food. To the point where I will not eat my food only if there is just one bite left when the hair was found, or if it was the first bite, I just don't eat. Really bad right now since my hair falls out after having babies.
74. My feet have grown a full half size since having children.
75. I once pierced my own ears with a needle and ice.
76. One time I had a wart on my knee and burned it off with dry ice.
77. I love movies with Audrey Hepburn or with Doris Day.
78. I wish I had wooden floors throughout my house.
79. I hate being late, which I always am.
80. I don't like candy, unless it is chocolate.
81. I can have a quick temper, and need to learn patience.
82. I love fresh picked tomatoes.
83. I wish Mike could stay home with me everyday.
84. I want to take photography classes.
85. I would also like to go to culinary school, AND beauty school.
86. I dream of having a big house with lots of land.
87. I can't wait to plant a garden here at our new house.
89. I hate being tickled.
90. I get claustrophobic easily.
91. I gained 60 lbs with my first pregnancy.
92. Only 23 with my second.
93. Michael and I have talked to each other either by e-mail, phone, or person every day since meeting.
94. I miss living across the street from the Trujillo's.
95. My favorite fast food places are Taco Bell, Sonic, and Quiznos.
96. My favorite kind of food is Mexican.
97. I like almost everyone I meet.
98. I dislike trying on clothes.
99. I like having my children sleep with Michael and I.
100. I LOVE being a stay at home mom.