

Isaac Boy 3 weeks old.

Ainsley Rose 3 weeks old.

Miss Gwen 3 weeks old.


The Miller's said...

she looks like her big brother!!!

Chelsea said...

I'm thinking she is a complete mix. At times I thought it was Mini Ike, but then other times Ains. So I'm no help, just a perfect baby!!

Lacey said...

I think she looks like Isaac-especially in the post below of her sleeping! SO cute!!

Elodie had a "strawberry" on her stomach...not sure if you would remember that-it never grew and now is almost completely gone-I remember how worried I was about her having one...and it was on her stomach where no one saw it!!

Michayle said...

I think she looks similar to both, but mostly like herself. Good luck with all the doctors. About the hearing. Sometimes babies fail the initial screening because they still have residual fluid in their ears from the whole birthing process.

Lindsey said...

Isaac...no question!!!

The A Team said...

she looks like isaac only much more girly. she is such a cutie!