
Homeschool Preschool

Today was Isaac's first day of "school". Almost daily I am amazed at how quickly my children are growing up. I know I am biased, but I think Isaac is one smart kid - meaning I love that I get to spend some quality time with Ice Man and as a bonus I get to teach him a few things along the way. Basically we were both excited to start "school".

YES he has a backpack. YES school is at home. So NO he really doesn't need it. But how do you do school without a backpack?! We use it to put his papers, and art work in to show dad when he gets home from work. Plus it's cool to wear around the grocery store (he will wear it any chance he gets!)

Hard at work. Love the grip on the marker.

Not much needs to be said about this picture. I am glad though that Isaac loves reading as much as both Michael and I do!

His favorite activity today was opening these counting bears. I had no idea he even knew what addition and subtraction meant. Math was his favorite subject today. . . sure doesn't get that from me. Must get that from his Engineering Daddy!

Bingo was a big hit too. "I GOT BINGO!!!!"

These three pictures do a good job of summing up how our first session went today:

Because I find so many of my ideas surfing the Internet, I want to share what works for our family.

We have a weekly calendar/weather chart. At the end of each week we will be graphing the weather. (don't make fun of my artistic abilities here. Drawing has never been high on my talent list. Isaac knows where I was going with the pictures, so I guess that's all that matters!)

This is our other weekly chart. Each day a new "subject" is added. Everyday we also review past "subjects". I have 26 days planned out. Letters, numbers, shapes, colors, nursery rhymes, a weekly theme with a new vocabulary word going along with the theme, and just because I can -- I throw in a Bible or Book of Mormon story to go along with the letter of the week. For example this week Adam and Eve.

Lots of planning of planning on my part, hopefully lots of learning on Isaac's part, and lots of fun to be had by both Mother and Son.

Completely unrelated to school. . . I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I am TIRED of the constant fighting between my children. They are only three and one, it gives me a headache to think about how this is only the beginning!

In an attempt to accentuate the positive and try to have a little more peace around here we started a Kindness Jar (sorry about the finger prints).

Every time Mike or I see Isaac doing something kind, or being obedient we add a stone to his jar. It will take him about a month to fill it completely, but once it is filled we get to do a family activity of Isaac's choosing. Looks like at the end of this month we will be going to the doughnut shop. With every stone that is dropped into his jar he exclaims "almost time to go to the doughnut shop", then he gives me a huge hug. Ahhh, I love my boy!


Gary Church said...

Dude. You rock. If Ryan were older, I would totally combine preschools with you and we could trade off days. My punk isn't ready for all that fancy book learnin' yet.

Britney and Kevin said...

Hey Brooke. I found you on...some other person's blog, I can't remember. How are you guys doing? It's been a long time!

Arnett's said...

You are amazing! Seriously. Where do you get all of these great ideas!?! I need help with this. I would love to do something like that with Aiden. What could I do with a 1 1/2 year old. You have my e-mail, right?! I am serious... help me! :)

The Miller's said...

CUTE IDEAS!!!!!! Looks like he is going to have fun and thats what learning is about you want it to be fun for kids. Way to go Brooke what a good mom!

Audrey said...

I'm impressed at how much energy you're putting into the whole event. How fun for you to have this opportunity with him. Then, it'll be that much easier with your daughter 'cause you'll have all the supplies and your system worked out.
The spread between my kids is even larger and they still fight. I don't think it's possible to have kids in the same house and not have some skirmishes. Hopefully, the good times outweigh the bad right?

Anonymous said...

You're doing great! I love your ideas and that backpack idea.

But out of it all my favorite is your jar. I'm implementing that today! ;-) Thanks!

The A Team said...

i did homeschooling for pre-school so if you need anything just let me know. although you look like you're pretty much rocking it...

Anonymous said...

I took your kindness jar idea and turned it into a goodness glass.

It has done WONDERS for my 5 year old son, as well as, my 3 year old.

Every time they have good-Good behavior I place some beans in it. This week’s reward was a surprise in a little box. Works so WELL!

It's helping to motivate with writing, chores, kindness, good behavior at school, politeness. It's awesome.

Thanks for the AWESOME idea!

Marielle said...

Those are great ideas! What a good mom you are! I love the kindness jar idea.

Looks like you guys are doing well. We sure miss you around here.
